of Ontario

In fact, choosing the right career path has never been more important! That’s why we want to tell you about the construction industry as a career option; specifically interior finishing.

In Skilled Trades

Interior Systems Contractors Association of Ontario
We represent over 80 contractors and 30 suppliers and manufacturers throughout the province who employ over 10K members of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
About ISCA
The Interior Systems Contractors Association of Ontario (ISCA) was originally incorporated on September 1, 1971 as The Drywall Association of Ontario (TDAO).
In 1980 it was renamed The Interior Systems Contractors Association of Ontario and today represents over 80 contractors and 30 suppliers and manufacturers throughout the province of Ontario.

President's Message

It is my distinct pleasure and privilege to be elected to serve as the new President of ISCA. I look forward to bringing new ideas to the table to help make an already great association even better.
Become a Member
Our association offers free of charge Health and Safety Training, Computer Estimating, Foreman Upgrade Training Programs and a WSIB Safety Group.
All of these programs are helping our contractors to run their businesses more competitively and effectively, which means more profitably.